End the Nightmare: How to Stop Hitting Duck Hooks


A duck hook is a shot that angles harsh to the left of your mark, if you are a right-handed golfer, a duck hook virtually constantly puts a golfer into some sort of problem on the matter.

Locked club face at effect and an inside-to-out swing can result in a duck hook. Understanding to swerve with a square club face, to discharge the club appropriately and to swerve on the right direction will help eradicate your duck hook.

There are limited things further astonishing in golf game than forfeiting custody of your golf ball. Actually, the biggest players in the world misses a oftentimes, but typically doesn’t linger long.

For a lot of beginners golf players, when a specifically bad shot occurs, it could be the onset of something more terrible and lengthy in time. When that come about, the golf game can be discouraging. One of the shots that demonstrates a loss of constraint is the “dreaded duck hook” sometimes known as the snap hook.

What are Duck Hooks?

Virtually, a duck hook means when the balls swerve smartly and rapidly into the ground soon after collision. For players that are right handed, a duck hook begin right for a few feet or lawns and then jumps to the left.

The duck hook occurs when a player is struggling to hit a wide or nearly full shot. It appears literally odd because the swing is lengthy and tough but the ball doesn’t respond off the clubface in a way one would predict.

How Do Duck Hooks Happen?

To retain the duck hook or snap hook, we expect to know why it occurs. Awareness like this will assist to summarize into correction. Foremost, a crucial component in the duck hook is SPIN. A duck hook or snap hook appear horrible and uncomfortable because it is spinning at elevated rate. But as we notice, spin isn’t certainly a bad thing. Spin aid to develop lift on golf balls it can help us to stop the ball in the grassland where we want it to be. It can also assist us to wiggle a shot around an obstacle. Spin is only an awful thing if it’s spinning in an unwilling path.

So duck hooks occur because of inappropriate spin of the golf ball.

The recent ball flight law notifies us that spin drops down to two things.

  1. Face angle
  2. Club patch.

Face angle is the corner at which your club face comes into contact with the golf ball at collision. When a players club face is impenetrable and the path inside out, the duck hook happens. Amazing right? Your club path is the way your club head to reach the ball at collision.

However, this two aspects may result in a good tiny baby draw that arranges faultlessly right down the fairway. For the duck hook, it is the ultimate level of closed and inside out swing that produces a duck hook.

This is occasionally contrary of what a tons of people believe. A lot of beginner golfers believe that if the ball moves left for a player that plays with right hand, then the direction must also be left. But that is not often the case. Whereas, in this condition, it is the contrary.

When this two aspects are merged together, the face doesn’t enter into solid collision with the ball. Rather, it scrapes the side of the ball and put difficult side spin on the ball, emerging in a hard turn in your golf ball.

How to Stop Hitting Duck or Snap Hooks

There are few things we need to deal with to know how to stop the duck hook.

  1. Grip
  2. Club patch.

The first stuff we require to do is to check your grip, a lot of moments when the duck hook flashes it’s unpleasant head, a golf player that has a grip that is too strong. However, note that “too strong” does not pertain to the strength of your grip, but your posture. This implies that your grip might be similarly far right on the grip for left handed people.

You’ll like to generate a better neutral grip by swirling your hands, jointly, further on top of the grip. The outcome of this alteration will be also open, or square or club face at collision.

If possible, that doesn’t work, you’ll need to put in a club path change as well. The path you’ll need to start building is the outside_in direction. This can be minor intimidating to do because you’ve been watching the ball duck hook in that path a lot recently.

Drills to Stop Duck Hooks

There are few easy fairly drill you can exercise to enable quit the duck hooks.

Standing Alignment Stick Drill

This main drill, might be worthy to rectify your duck hook dilemma in a team swings what you’ll need is an alignment stick or snow pole that can be plunged into the ground.

  1. Stroll out about 6_7 lawns in front of your ball stance on the range and put the pole in the ground won’t sits straight up in the air.
  2. Then move back to your ball and take target at the pole. You’ll like to confirm you can see the pole in your peripheral perception.
  3. Your purpose is to try and swing the ball and the club to left for a players that are right handed
  4. .

Alignment Stuck Path Drill

In this drill, you’ll want that same alignment pole from the earlier drill.

  1. Clearly put it down your victim line and then bend it a bit so it indicates 9_14 yards left of your target.
  2. Then insert a golf ball next to the pole and try to pivot so that your divot is similar to the alignment pole.

Weak Grip Drill

Lastly, this drill is to over amend your grip. This grip deduces that your grip on a standpoint is too vital. Which is perhaps the situation if you’re battling with a duck hook.

  1. Place your hand on the club so that both your thumb are directly down the shaft.This is possibly going to look uncomfortable at first.

Then strike some really weak, full swing shot.

The goal of the drill is to feel what the ball flight does when you build a weaker grip.


There you go, if you’re having difficulty with the duck hook, we hope this article has taught you everything you ned to know about it. Don’t get too frustrated when the ball go short and into the ball soon, rather make a few adjustment to your grip.